
Love my 24

Happened to be in company of youngsters 2-4 years junior. Was given a comment by an 18-en year- old that apparently he likes me. Literally: "I like you, you are OK, pretty". I burst out laughing cause I knew exactly that I was expected to blurt out Thank you and probably to blush. And following second I was "reassured" that it was a compliment. As for me, I only managed to thumbs up and held back my laughter.
I thought of lecturing those kids on a subject of compliment....
What defines a compliment? Compliment is a fact that compliments You. And there I thought how does the fact that some 18-en year old spoiled boy compliment me by saying "I like you, you're ok". Hahaha . Really? Absurd and nonsense.
I guess, if you are a casting director, you can "I like you" and give me a part in a movie. But when you are 18-en, and I'm nearly 24 .... Who are you again? You like me? You don't? Oh... What was your name again, boy?
I just realized how much I enjoy my age. For the first time in my life I actually feel free, confident , sort of experienced and I love this feeling. There are no more silly complexes, no more over reacting thoughts and acts. There it comes: I finally start living my life!
PS As I thought of giving a lecture about how to make a compliment It occurred to me, that I will not be understood until they reach my age and let go some of the selfishness that is so typical for teenagers. So I would've probably increased our age - gap in 10 years in their consciousness If i actually opened up my mouth.
All in good time , as Englishmen say.


I just want to leave all of the useless connections and pointless and meaningless (physical and verbal) interactions behind in 2010.
My two heartbreaking relations that made me definitely stronger than I was ever before. I'm moving on. I got my heart broken yesterday and healed the very same minute. I'm free.


Is the clothes such a big deal after all? Really?...



Who wrote the script “Sex in the City”? There’s no sex in the Big Apple!!


Just paid a visit to the Museum of Sex. Well, the impressions are dual. On one hand, the metamorphoses of sexual character on a film from 1800 to nowadays on the other - third floor has barely anything to do with a matter: It’s an animal sector. It was all about animal pairing and their reproductive organs.

What seemed weird to me that one of the sections dedicated to a later period of pornography actually had a porn movie picturing a female jerking and helping three guys to ejaculate themselves right on her face. Made me think if it’s just me who’ve home- watched it all from XXX – pages online during my lonely nights and sees no point of claiming this as art and placing in a museum at a center wall?